


Landmark College opened a 神经认知实验室oratory (“Neurocog Lab”) in Fall 2020 as a unique space for re搜索 and re搜索 initiatives in the field of neurodiversity. The Neurocog Lab fosters an expanding culture of re搜索 at Landmark College. It is a space where neurodiverse students can engage in participatory re搜索 as re搜索 assistants and apprentices working alongside nationally-renowned re搜索ers from the Landmark College Institute for 研究 and 培训 (LCIRT) and the campus community at large. See below for more information about the Neurocog Lab space, activities, and initiatives.

What is Participatory 研究?

Participatory 设计s allow us to actively engage all stakeholders, 尤其是学生, in all elements of the re搜索 process. While LCIRT will continue to engage in discovery re搜索 involving biomarkers of learning, our emphasis is shifting towards more applied re搜索.

Signature Initiative: 研究 Mentorship Program for Students

The Neurocog Lab will launch its signature program, 即, the 研究 Mentorship Program, 2021年秋季入学. This program will offer Landmark College students authentic re搜索 experiences in the educational, 心理, 以及社会科学. A select group of students will be recruited with faculty and advisor input for participation. 作为这个项目的一部分, students will meet with LCIRT re搜索ers to conceptualize, 设计, 实现, and write reports on an authentic re搜索 project within an academic year. Examples of potential re搜索 studies include evaluations of Landmark College programs, the development of re搜索 hypotheses to be tested, creation of surveys and survey studies, testing of 心理 phenomena, 等等.......

The re搜索 mentorship program includes experiences such as:

  • Conducting literature 搜索es
  • Completing re搜索 ethics compliance certification (CITI)
  • 制定IRB提案
  • Developing assessment protocol
  • 分析数据
  • 撰写书面报告, 海报, 会议演讲, and other methods of disseminating findings


Weekly re搜索 team meetings are held in the Neurocog Lab to monitor progress and to engage in discussions about the re搜索. At the conclusion of each semester, students will have:

  • Learned about ethics in re搜索
  • 发展研究技能
  • Engaged in experiences and skills that they can add to their resume


Read about one of our projects involving Landmark College students and 设计 of educational virtual reality games.


进一步了解我们的 正在进行的研究项目.


Have questions or want to learn more?

Contact our Senior Director, Dr. 里克Bryck at: (电子邮件保护).
